A Customary Court in Ibadan has dissolved a 21-year-old marriage at the request of an Ibadan-based caterer, Omotayo Kumunyi, on grounds of poisoning and domestic violence.
Kumunyi, a resident of Osungbade area of Ibadan, accused her husband Olatunde of not catering for her and their four children.
The Ibadan-based caterer told the court that when the problem became too much for her to bear, she moved away with three of her children, while the second child remained with the father.
However, Olatunde didn’t react to most of the allegations leveled against him.
He, however, acknowledged payment of dowry to his wife’s parents.
In his judgment, the court’s President, Mrs S.M. Akintayo, pronounced the marriage dissolved, maintaining that it was duly contracted judging by the evidence provided by the duo.
She granted custody of the last three children to Kumunyi and instructed Olatunde to pay a monthly feeding allowance of N20,000 for their upkeep.
The monthly feeding allowance was in addition to being responsible for the education and other welfare of the children.
In addition, Akintayo, granted an order restraining Olatunde from threatening, harassing and interfering with the private life of Kumunyi going forward.